Week 10

Hello World.
As I've worked this week I've thought about what I can write about. I decided to write about those fickle things called moodboards. I call them fickle as they appear to be easy to do. You start thinking, "Oh, I'm going to pull a few photos together and bam! It'll look fabulous." But then you put it together and show your creative director and they say nope. Because you have three images that are giving too similar, you've chosen one color and all of the colors are the same, you have no text worked in to the board, showing how the text might integrate and what font you've used. Oops, you've used actual phone elements on your board, that's a big no. And finally, though you have those three images that are too similar, the overall concept of your board is portraying neon nature and also neutral robotics. Huh, how about that. So, what you now need to do, is take everything that I said and flip it to show how to make a great board.
For instance, bam all your images are similar enough to convey a mood but they're all different enough to add something individual to the board. You have several colors in the board to give slight variations to the patter, you have samples of text worked into the board suggesting fonts that would add to the scene and how they might be worked into the image. You don't have an phone elements in the mood board yet, as you as a smarty pants know that's a style tile thing. And all of your images are working together cohesively to communicate one concept that is coming across strongly. Good job! You're a pro! Now, take this advice to heart in real life and off you go!


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